Monday, October 29, 2012

Braces are on!

So I got my bands on my molars and my braces on one week ago. This is my first time having braces, they were a bit painful for the first few days but I am fine now. Orthodontist says 3 months until surgery is likely, I see her again this week and then every 2 weeks after that. Definitely still trying to get used to these braces, I was already so insecure with my appearance before so this adds to it but I'm dealing with it fine because I know it is bringing me closer to my end result which I know will be worth it. Question for all of you, I know most of you had to have your braces on for a year or so prior to surgery, how often did you see your ortho to get your wires changed?


  1. I saw my ortho about every 6-8 weeks for my adjustments.

  2. Getting my braces tightened has always bothered me a bit. I always have to take it easy on tough to chew food and sandwiches etc. You're so lucky you get your surgery so soon after getting the braces put on. As far as the insecurity thing, I can relate, I felt the same way as soon as I got my braces put on, but eventually you just get used to it. Nevertheless, I am sooo ready to get mine off.
